Murphy Recreation Center Rules & Expectations
Failure to comply with any of the rules or behavioral expectations may result in an immediate dismissal from the facility and may result in the loss of facility access privileges. Any and all issues with equipment and/or personal injuries should be reported to a staff member as soon as possible.
Guest Access
Card holding members are allowed to bring 1 guest per visit but no more than 2 in a day as long as the $5.00 guest pass fee is paid in full. Guest passes can be limited and made unavailable to any and all individuals at the discretion of the person or persons’ working at the front desk and/or the Recreation Center Director at any time for reasons of but not limited to the number of occupancy of the facility, number of individuals in a particular area, recent situations occurring in or around the facility, special events in process, and any other unforeseen reason.
Equipment Check Out
Any (and only) individuals with a Benedictine Issued I.D. Card will be allowed to check equipment out at the front desk at no charge. However, an item used as collateral will need to be left at the front desk until the item is returned (Drivers License; Keys; Etc.). The individual will present their I.D. Card as proof of their current status and will also sign their name on the equipment rental form and assume all responsibility for that item. Damage or loss of the item will result in financial responsibility by the individual who checked the item out.
Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. Tennis shoes must be worn at all times in the weight room area, track area, on the basketball courts, and on the artificial turf field. All individuals are required to wear a shirt and pants/shorts. Any individual’s attire deemed inappropriate by the staff or Rec. Center Director will be asked to vacate the facility and will not be allowed reentry until properly dressed. No bags of any kind are allowed in the weight room area or on the track. Anyone needing to store their bag at the front desk until completion of their workout will be allowed to do so; however the Rec. Center Staff, Director, and Benedictine College are not responsible for items left at the front desk during an individual’s time in the facility.
OFF Limits Areas
Any area reserved by a group for a specific date & time will only be available to those groups having reserved it. No other individuals, groups, or parties will be allowed to intrude on those particular areas and will not be allowed in those areas until they are deemed “Open”by the staff on duty.
The track is only to be used for running, jogging, walking, and as a spectator platform during select times and events. Individuals not adhering to the rules of the track or individuals not respecting the space of other parties on the track will be asked to leave the track area and may be exited out of the facility. During “Family Fun Hours”No Children under the age of 17 yrs. of age will be allowed on the track unless accompanied by an adult and must stay directly next to that adult responsible for the child. No children under the age of 10 yrs. of age will be allowed on the track at any time. This includes children in strollers. No bags of any kind are allowed in the weight room area or on the track. Anyone needing to store their bag at the front desk until completion of their workout will be allowed to do so; however the Rec. Center Staff, Director, and Benedictine College are not responsible for items left at the front desk during an individual’s time in the facility.
Locker Rooms
No one under 17 yrs. of age will be allowed in the men’s or women’s locker room area.
Weight Room/Cardio Room
No one under 17 yrs. of age will be allowed in the Weight/Cardio Room. No bags of any kind are allowed in the weight room area or on the track. Anyone needing to store their bag at the front desk until completion of their workout will be allowed to do so; however the Rec. Center Staff, Director, and Benedictine College are not responsible for items left at the front desk during an individual’s time in the facility. Tennis shoes must be worn at all times in the weight room area. During busy hours please be considerate of others wanting and waiting to use the equipment. All equipment should be wiped down with disinfectant wipes located around the room after use. Any and all trash and discarded items should be properly disposed of in the trash bin. No power cleans and no dropping weights of any kind on the floor or safety racks will be permitted. Failure to comply will result in the individual’s removal of the facility.
Multipurpose Rooms
The Multipurpose Room is designed for cardio workouts. No weights, chairs, tables, or any other outside equipment will be allowed inside the rooms. Any media equipment the room provides will only be used after permission from the Facility Director. All media equipment is for educational purposes and requires specific training. Please contact the director in advance if you are scheduled to use the room and may require the use of the media equipment.
Special Guests & Special Events
Special Passes may be issued at the Director’s discretion to members or groups for special events and/or groups visiting Benedictine College on specific dates and times.
General Rules
- No outside food or drinks allowed in the facility (plastic sport bottles with water are allowed).
- No food or drinks in the vending area are allowed to leave the vending area unless exiting the building upon purchase.
- Only plastic containers with secure lids containing water will be allowed in the gym area.
- No containers of any kind are allowed on the track.
- No gum or sunflower seeds allowed in the gym area or on the turf.
- No skate boards, bikes, roller skates, roller blades, scooters, or any other outside equipment allowed in the facility.
- No alcohol, drugs, or tobacco allowed in the facility.
- No profanity allowed in any of the workout areas.
- No Pets of any kind are allowed in the facility.
Behavioral Expectations
- Respect the Rules
- Respect the Staff
- Respect the Facility
- Respect One Another
- Be Safe- No person under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs will be allowed into the Facility